Welcome to Digital Tlachieloni, a website (currently still being built) dedicated to the Aztec god Tezcatlipoca. Here's a quick FAQ to lay out the basics.
Tezcatlipoca is one of the major Aztec deities with a complex and nuanced character that all too often in modern culture is overlooked and reduced to a colonialist caricature. This website is not for and will not discuss modern commerical works of fiction that feature Tezcatlipoca, but it is in part a reaction to them and their broader undue influence on the public perception of Tezcatlipoca and Aztec mythology as a whole.
One of Tezcatlipoca's symbols, referred to as 'the instrument to see.' My explaination of the name is that this website lets you see more of Tezcatlipoca. It is not a well known part of his iconography, most of my searches for it on google brought back Spanish results. So naming this website after it as opposed to the more obvious obsidian mirror makes it a bit more distincitve and helps with discovery, since so few English speakers are using the word tlachieloni. And it reflects my goal to spread less popular pieces of Tezcatlipoca knowledge.